Stay Calm No Matter What Behavior Your Child Throws At You
~in 60 Days~
(Even if you feel totally out of control, you freak out out of nowhere, or your children's behaviors trigger you into your own meltdown)
If you’re tired of losing control of your mouth (or even your body sometimes), yelling and snapping like you have NO fuse, and feeling angry and agitated when it’s SO FREAKING LOUD...
And you’re looking to figure out how to respond to your children’s behaviors instead of melting down alongside them, then you already know that staying calm is the key to being the parent you always hoped you’d be.

So I'll spare you the spiel...
No need to be a broken record and convince you of something that’s already been drilled into your mind (not to mention your own instincts as a parent)!
After all, you probably already know that managing your triggers is the key tipping point that will allow you to stay calm in the moment, keep yourself from flying off the handle, and keep your own responses in check so that you can help your children calm down.
You’ve probably also heard that while our triggers are not always something we can control, we can learn strategies that we can use to manage our triggers and our responses in order to gain some of that control back.

Even if you know the theoretical “best” ways to parent your child and you’re up to date in all of the latest research and strategies...
It can all fall apart if you aren’t able to stay calm in the moment when your child is throwing their tablet in a bowl of soup, screaming so loud that your brain is melting, or having a loud, violent, angry meltdown.
But when you know how to stay calm in-the-moment, even when your child’s behaviors are triggering you you can...
Stay Calm, Cool, and Collected
How many battles, meltdowns, and power struggles could you avoid if you could stop taking the bait when your children’s behaviors are driving you up a wall so that your anxiety doesn’t take over and you’re able to calmly respond the way you know your child needs you to?
Meet Your Own Needs for Quiet, Control, And Alone Time
How amazing would it feel to get regular alone time in quiet away from the loud repetitive vocalizations, running around, and jumping on the furniture, even if your family regularly ignores your needs? You will feel in control over your life again instead of feeling like you’re held hostage by your children’s behaviors.
Empathize & Calmly Respond to Behaviors
You will be able to stay in control so that you can empathize and problem-solve with your kids and calmly respond to their behaviors the way you truly want to so that you can stop feeling guilty for raising your voice, angry that you aren’t able to follow your own parenting principles, or frustrated that their meltdown triggered your own meltdown that escalated the situation.
Make it Past Your First Attempt
How many times have you managed to stay calm while your child starts to get upset, but then when they won’t listen to reason or follow the plan you both agree to you get frustrated and can’t keep your cool? With a plan tailored to your unique situation, you will make it past your first attempt and stay calm until everything is handled.
Let the Stress Leave Your Body
Once the chaos is over, you will be able to let the stress leave your body so that you can actually relax and connect with your family instead of holding onto that tension, losing energy for anything more than watching The Good Place on repeat, and walking on eggshells in order to not snap again.
Even though the motivation to stay calm is obvious, the path to actually doing it is anything but…
Stay calm, riiiiiiight. I’ve tried EVERYTHING and it just doesn’t work for me…
I hear you. You’ve probably already committed a dozen (or more) times to becoming that calm, in control parent you’ve always wanted to be.
You’ve read the blog posts and books, tried moving hair ties from one wrist to the other, taken deep breaths, and even tried counting to ten before responding like Daniel Tiger’s mom probably does.
If you’re super committed, maybe you’ve even tried to add some self-care to your schedule hoping that it would stick this time, only for it to fall apart because your child had a meltdown or you just couldn’t get yourself out of bed a single second earlier than necessary.
But even with the best intentions, most parents still struggle to stay calm when their child’s behaviors trigger them until they give up entirely and feel guilty for being an angry mom, scared they’re scarring their kids for life, and terrified that they sound like their mother.
Here’s why most would-be calm parents lose their way…
Without a comprehensive stay calm plan that was designed uniquely to you, you’re going to end up lost and frustrated feeling like nothing works.
Trying to replicate some blogger or author’s plan won’t get you far because what works for them isn’t what will work for you. We’re all totally unique humans, so how could one magical hack help keep all of us from losing our sh*t?
And here’s why this stops us in our tracks…
As a parent, you have never been busier. Everyone is cooped up and stuck at home, you can feel the walls closing in, and you’re somehow supposed to become a teacher in all this mess.
And every time you try another magic hack that doesn’t work out, you are one step closer to believing that there’s just no possible way for you to stay calm when your child’s behavior triggers you.
But the fact is, you aren’t the one that’s broken, my friend. And some of those magical 1-2-3 hacks aren’t exactly broken either.
What’s broken is a system that tries to oversimplify staying calm and act like there’s a one-size-fits-all solution.
Which means…
You get to turn this around, friend. You get to throw away the 247 tips, tricks, and hacks holding up space in your brain (and the guilt you’re carrying because they never worked) so that you can design a stay calm plan that’s 100% unique to you.

Thinking You Freak Out for No Reason
“I don’t know what happened, I just lost it out of nowhere!”
Sound familiar?
While it may seem that you fly off the handle with absolutely no warning some days, the fact is this is happening because you’re triggered by your children’s behaviors.
We might think of triggers in the context of PTSD, but it’s actually something that happens to everyone, and it’s the reason that you might yell, scream, storm off, or shut down and dissociate when your children push that very last button.
This means that it isn’t your fault that you sometimes react to your child’s behaviors before thinking. It isn’t because you are somehow broken or you simply aren’t trying hard enough.
But here’s the thing… Once you know that you are freaking out because you are triggered, you are in the perfect position to discover your unique triggers so that you can see them coming and stop them in their tracks!
Believing Your Reactions are Out of Your Control
Maybe you thought, “that’s well and nice, Kaylene, but if I’m being triggered that means I have no control over my reaction”, but that’s not quite true.
The fact is, a trigger will send a message of danger to your brain, and your reaction will typically be your body’s natural response to danger.
Once you clearly understand what your body’s natural freak out response is, you get to sit in the driver seat and take some of your control back.
Because your brain is your body’s boss. And when you learn what signals your brain needs to feel safe, you’re able to manufacture those signals (without totally losing it) and get your body to calm the heck down.
Trying to Use Someone Else’s Stay Calm Plan
And the biggest mistake I see parents making when trying to stay calm is using someone else’s stay calm plan.
This isn’t Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants where one thing magically fits all of us, friend!
We’re all totally unique and out-of-the-box humans, which means that what works to keep me calm is likely TOTALLY different from what works to keep you calm.
That’s the real reason why all of those tips and tricks and hacks in every blog post and book you’ve read haven’t really worked for you.
Because the key is taking what you know about your unique triggers, pairing that with your knowledge of your body’s natural response (and how to tell your brain you’re safe so your body calms down) and using that to create a Stay Calm Plan that’s 100% tailored to you.
But friend, I’m going to let you in on a little secret…
Even though there are TONS of advice out there for staying calm, it’s rare to find a parent who can actually stay calm when their child’s behaviors trigger them.
A few people luck into a tip or hack that actually works for them, and the rest of us are left to feel like we’re doomed to become an “angry mom” or forever yell the way our moms did.
And the reason for that, as you’ve likely seen by now, is that while the head knowledge about why it’s so important to stay calm is abundant…
...The practical understanding of how to use that knowledge and build a stay calm plan that actually works for your unique struggles is severely lacking.
But as long as you can avoid the biggest blunders that most would-be calm parents fall into, the path is paved for you to become that calm, cool, and collected parent you always hoped you’d be (and that your child needs you to be).
One who can confidently handle any behavior their child throws at them, stops meltdowns before they even start, and has the patience to empathize and parent in a gentle and respectful way.
The key ingredient is a Stay Calm Plan that is custom designed for your unique situation.
And with your permission, that’s what I’d love to show you how to create.

The Complete Step-By-Step System to Create a Stay Calm Plan that ACTUALLY Works to Keep You Calm When Your Children’s Behaviors Trigger You
I’ve taken everything I’ve learned as an Autistic mom with chronic migraines and debilitating anxiety parenting my six neurodivergent children and channeled it into a comprehensive, step-by-step guided program that not only teaches you the high level theory, but the practical steps you can take to stay calm even if you’ve NEVER been able to stay calm before.
Yes, you’ll learn the best coping strategies that you can use in-the-moment to stay calm, but more than that you will discover how to figure out which coping strategies work for you specifically (and give yourself permission to completely ignore the rest).
The end result: You will be able to stay calm, cool, and collected no matter what behavior your child throws at you, and your family will have less tears, screaming, and fighting and more laughter, cuddles, and fun together.
Parenting While Triggered is the ONLY program of it’s kind that...
Empowers You to Discover Your Unique Triggers So That You See Freakouts Coming a Mile Away (and can stop them before they start!)
We dive deep into getting really clear on what causes you to freak out so that you aren’t thrown off guard when something makes you totally lose your sh*t. You’ll become an expert in yourself, and you’ll be able to create plans for your unique situation.
Shows You Step-By-Step How to Take Control of Your Triggers AND Your Responses
Think you can’t control your responses when you’re triggered? Think again! Parenting While Triggered is a step-by-step guide to how you can get back in the driver’s seat and feel more in control of how you respond so that you can calm a situation down, not add more chaos.
Guides You as You Design a Stay Calm Plan Built for Your Unique Situation
This isn’t a run of the mill course with a bunch of tips to stay calm that only work if you have the patience of a saint. We’re going to walk through exactly how to design a Stay Calm Plan that works because it’s completely tailored to your life.

Module One
Set Your Foundation & Focus Forward to Make Progress
Before diving in to create your plan it is vital that you create a strong foundation and get a clear picture of where you’re headed so that you are ready for massive momentum.
- Discover the Focus Forward Process for Setting Intentions and Seeing the Most Progress
- Find Out How to Get Your Mindset Right So That You Feel Confident and Ready to Tackle the Full Program
- Develop an Oops Plan For When Life Gets In The Way That Will Help You Get Back On Track
- Uncover Your 3 Primary “Whys” That Will Keep You Moving Forward Even When Things Feel Impossible

Module Two
Fill Your Cup With Practical Self-Care

Go beyond bubble baths and Target runs and start implementing self-care strategies that are realistic for your chaotic life and meet your needs.
- Discover the three types of Self-Care and how to balance all three to meet your needs on a day-to-day basis.
- Create a self-care plan that doesn’t fall apart after one day leaving you feeling like you’ll never get a second to breathe again.
- Find out how to prioritize self-care on your calendar without dropping everything else you have to do.
- Get clear on which self-care activities actually help you feel fulfilled so that you aren’t left feeling like you never get enough time to yourself.
Module Three
Truly Understand Your Unique Triggers & Responses
To make a plan that is unique to you, you have to get really clear on exactly what triggers you and how your body naturally responds to those triggers.
- Discover the two types of triggers and how to see both of them coming a mile away (even those that feel like they come out of nowhere).
- Find out why your body reacts to your child’s behavior before we can even think, and how that’s actually a good thing sometimes.
- Get clear on exactly which of your triggers lead to exactly which response so that you can create a plan that’s unique to your situation.
- Discover the Four Primary Freak Out Responses and how to find your own primary freak out response so you can learn how to control it.

Module Four
Practical Coping Strategies That Actually Work for You

Stop with the “just take a deep breath” and start finding practical coping strategies that work with your natural responses so that you can actually use them in the middle of chaos.
- Find out how to use the B6 Brain-Body Framework to take back control over how you think and feel about yourself, your children, and the chaos around you.
- Discover simple strategies to ground yourself in the moment when you start to lose a sense of control.
- Find out how to refresh your system quickly so that you can start working again quickly -- like turning your computer off and on again.
- Discover which coping strategies work for you, and in which situations, so you’re never left wondering what you should do when you start to lose your cool.
Module Five
Design Your In-The-Moment Stay Calm Plan
Throw away the tips, tricks, and hacks and design an in-the-moment stay calm plan that’s custom designed to your unique triggers, responses, coping strategies, and even your family situation.
- Discover the key differences between your logic brain and your trigger brain, and how you can move back to your logic brain faster and easier.
- Design your unique in-the-moment Stay Calm Plan that is tailored to your specific triggers and coping strategies.
- Find out how to communicate your plan to the rest of the family in a way that they understand so that they don’t follow you all around the house, hang on your leg, or feel like you’re abandoning them.
- Discover the Ahead-of-the-Moment Strategy that will make it so much easier to actually use your In-the-Moment Plan.

Module Six
Make an Oops Plan to Fall Back On

Here’s the deal, life happens! Be prepared for those days where nothing is going according to plan so that you don’t lose all of your progress.
- Discover the Oops Scale and how to create back up plans for struggles of any size, from when your child won’t follow the plan to when they’re having a stage-4 screaming meltdown and you have a migraine from you-know-where.
- Create an Oops Plan for each of the scenarios that are most likely to trip you up or throw you off course.
- Develop an Emergency Plan that will keep you and your family safe when someone is struggling with big behaviors like kicking, biting, or aggressive meltdowns.
- Find out how to let go of expectations and roll with it when things don’t go according to plan so that you can get your family back on track.
Module Seven
Create Your Re-Connect Plan For After the Chaos Has Settled
After the storm has passed, you’ll have a plan to re-connect with yourself (so that the pent up stress leaves your body!) and with your family so that no one feels defeated, shameful, or alone.
- Find out how to reconnect with yourself after everything goes wrong and you feel guilty and frustrated with yourself.
- Create a simple plan to connect with your family after a blow up so that everyone feels heard, valued, and respected.
- Discover how to make the most out of connection time even if the LAST thing you want to do after an argument is connect with anyone.
- Discover each member of your family’s primary reconnect type so that you know exactly how to best spend time together.

Module Eight
Customize Your Full Stay Calm Plan

Design a Stay Calm Plan that’s completely tailored to your unique situations so that you know what to do before, during, and after you’re triggered and chaos erupts, and even what to do when the plan doesn’t work the first time.
- Discover how each of your plans work together to create a full Stay Calm Plan that becomes the guide you follow day-in and day-out.
- Design Your Stay Calm Plan that’s uniquely tailored to your unique family situation.
- Find out how to practically use your Stay Calm Plan day to day so that you’re never left wondering what you should be doing next.
- Discover how to set your next steps so that you can move forward ready to confidently parent your children.

Master Your Mindset
This bonus will help you gain control over your most powerful asset—your own mind. Discover how to change your thoughts so that you can feel better, focus on the right things, and see more progress.

Balancing Family Needs
What do you do when you need quiet but they need to loudly stim? Or when one sibling loves playing rough and the other is SUPER sensitive? All of that is covered (and more!) in this bonus that helps you balance needs within your family.

Parenting in Public
Never again feel flustered when you try to handle a behavior in the Target aisle with judgey eyes on you from all angles. Learn how to confidently navigate parenting struggles in public (or at your mother-in-law’s).
Ridiculously Risk-Free Guarantee
Let me say this upfront… Parenting While Triggered is the most comprehensive program for parents who’ve tried it all and are ready, excited, and COMMITTED to gaining control over their triggers and creating a Stay Calm Plan they can actually follow.
With the exclusive and helpful community, weekly “no questions unanswered” Q&A’s, and the actionable, step-by-step content in the program, you have everything you need to get there.
Now here’s the kicker.
By the end of these 30 days, you will have received access to the Master Your Mindset bonus as well as the first four modules.
That means you’ll have had the opportunity to create a self-care plan that works to meet your specific needs, gotten really clear on your unique triggers and responses, found practical coping strategies that help you calm down when things fall apart around you, and create an in-the-moment plan that helps you to stay calm and in control BEFORE making a final commitment.
If you don’t feel totally confident and motivated by your stay calm plan (and your ability to implement it like a pro) simply reach out to me at [email protected], show me you’ve put in the work, and I will personally return every penny of your investment.
Here's What You Get When You Enroll Today...
Parenting While Triggered Full Program ($297 Value)
Parenting While Triggered Exclusive Community ($297 Value)
Weekly "No Questions Unanswered" Q&A Threads ($199 Value)
BONUS: Master Your Mindset ($99 Value)
BONUS: Balancing Family Needs ($97 Value)
BONUS: Parenting in Public ($147 Value)
That's a total value of $1136...
What People Asked Before Signing Up for Parenting While Triggered...
I've never stayed calm before... How could this possibly work for me?
What if I have a mental health struggle?
You aren't in control when you're triggered, so how can you stay calm?
What makes this any different from the "stay calm hacks" all over Pinterest and Facebook?
I'm just not naturally a calm person...
How does the program actually get delivered?
What if I try it and it doesn't work out for me?
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Here's What You Get When You Enroll Today...
Parenting While Triggered Full Program ($297 Value)
Parenting While Triggered Exclusive Community ($297 Value)
Weekly "No Questions Unanswered" Q&A Threads ($199 Value)
BONUS: Master Your Mindset ($99 Value)
BONUS: Balancing Family Needs ($97 Value)
BONUS: Parenting in Public ($147 Value)
That's a total value of $1136...
Still Undecided?
You Are the Perfect Student for Parenting While Triggered IF...
You are a new parent struggling to stay calm when your baby or toddler is screaming, hitting, or throwing things and you want to figure out how to stay calm NOW before they get older and you feel even more out of control.
You feel like you’ve tried a dozen different tips, tricks, and strategies from books and blogs, but you still can’t stay calm and you’re ready to get control over your triggers and actually stay calm once and for all.
You know that you freak out because you’re triggered, and you’re a little bit nervous that things will always be this way because your children can’t help but trigger you.
You are willing to put in the work and set aside the “yeah, but” mindset so that you can see real progress.
You are already spending time thinking, reading, or journaling about ways to stay calm (or you’re already spending time feeling guilty that what you’ve already tried hasn’t worked).
You know that when you have an in-the-moment Stay Calm Plan that’s uniquely tailored to you, your family will have more laughter, snuggles, and fun times together, and less screaming, snapping, and fighting.
You are ready and willing to figure out practical self-care and coping strategies that work or your schedule and your preferences, become an expert on your own triggers and responses, and design an in-the-moment Stay Calm Plan that’s unique to you.
Did you catch yourself nodding your head along with me?
Heck yeah, I can’t wait to see you in Parenting While Triggered!
Here's What You Get When You Enroll Today...
Parenting While Triggered Full Program ($297 Value)
Parenting While Triggered Exclusive Community ($297 Value)
Weekly "No Questions Unanswered" Q&A Threads ($199 Value)
BONUS: Master Your Mindset ($99 Value)
BONUS: Balancing Family Needs ($97 Value)
BONUS: Parenting in Public ($147 Value)
That's a total value of $1136...